Source code for opentelemetry.metrics

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The OpenTelemetry metrics API describes the classes used to report raw
measurements, as well as metrics with known aggregation and labels.

The `Meter` class is used to construct `Metric` s to record raw statistics
as well as metrics with predefined aggregation.

See the `metrics api`_ spec for terminology and context clarification.

.. _metrics api:

import abc
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from opentelemetry.util import loader

ValueT = TypeVar("ValueT", int, float)

[docs]class DefaultMetricHandle: """The default MetricHandle. Used when no MetricHandle implementation is available. """
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """No-op implementation of `CounterHandle` add. Args: value: The value to add to the handle. """
[docs] def set(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """No-op implementation of `GaugeHandle` set. Args: value: The value to set to the handle. """
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """No-op implementation of `MeasureHandle` record. Args: value: The value to record to the handle. """
[docs]class CounterHandle:
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """Increases the value of the handle by ``value``. Args: value: The value to add to the handle. """
[docs]class GaugeHandle:
[docs] def set(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """Sets the current value of the handle to ``value``. Args: value: The value to set to the handle. """
[docs]class MeasureHandle:
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """Records the given ``value`` to this handle. Args: value: The value to record to the handle. """
[docs]class LabelSet(abc.ABC): """A canonicalized set of labels useful for preaggregation Re-usable LabelSet objects provide a potential optimization for scenarios where handles might not be effective. For example, if the LabelSet will be re-used but only used once per metrics, handles do not offer any optimization. It may best to pre-compute a canonicalized LabelSet once and re-use it with the direct calling convention. LabelSets are immutable and should be opaque in implementation. """
[docs]class DefaultLabelSet(LabelSet): """The default LabelSet. Used when no LabelSet implementation is available. """
[docs]class Metric(abc.ABC): """Base class for various types of metrics. Metric class that inherit from this class are specialized with the type of handle that the metric holds. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_handle(self, label_set: LabelSet) -> "object": """Gets a handle, used for repeated-use of metrics instruments. Handles are useful to reduce the cost of repeatedly recording a metric with a pre-defined set of label values. All metric kinds (counter, gauge, measure) support declaring a set of required label keys. The values corresponding to these keys should be specified in every handle. "Unspecified" label values, in cases where a handle is requested but a value was not provided are permitted. Args: label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs]class DefaultMetric(Metric): """The default Metric used when no Metric implementation is available."""
[docs] def get_handle(self, label_set: LabelSet) -> "DefaultMetricHandle": """Gets a `DefaultMetricHandle`. Args: label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """ return DefaultMetricHandle()
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """No-op implementation of `Counter` add. Args: value: The value to add to the counter metric. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs] def set(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """No-op implementation of `Gauge` set. Args: value: The value to set the gauge metric to. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """No-op implementation of `Measure` record. Args: value: The value to record to this measure metric. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs]class Counter(Metric): """A counter type metric that expresses the computation of a sum."""
[docs] def get_handle(self, label_set: LabelSet) -> "CounterHandle": """Gets a `CounterHandle`.""" return CounterHandle()
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """Increases the value of the counter by ``value``. Args: value: The value to add to the counter metric. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs]class Gauge(Metric): """A gauge type metric that expresses a pre-calculated value. Gauge metrics have a value that is either ``Set`` by explicit instrumentation or observed through a callback. This kind of metric should be used when the metric cannot be expressed as a sum or because the measurement interval is arbitrary. """
[docs] def get_handle(self, label_set: LabelSet) -> "GaugeHandle": """Gets a `GaugeHandle`.""" return GaugeHandle()
[docs] def set(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """Sets the value of the gauge to ``value``. Args: value: The value to set the gauge metric to. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
[docs]class Measure(Metric): """A measure type metric that represent raw stats that are recorded. Measure metrics represent raw statistics that are recorded. """
[docs] def get_handle(self, label_set: LabelSet) -> "MeasureHandle": """Gets a `MeasureHandle` with a float value.""" return MeasureHandle()
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT, label_set: LabelSet) -> None: """Records the ``value`` to the measure. Args: value: The value to record to this measure metric. label_set: `LabelSet` to associate with the returned handle. """
MetricT = TypeVar("MetricT", Counter, Gauge, Measure) # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs]class Meter(abc.ABC): """An interface to allow the recording of metrics. `Metric` s are used for recording pre-defined aggregation (gauge and counter), or raw values (measure) in which the aggregation and labels for the exported metric are deferred. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def record_batch( self, label_set: LabelSet, record_tuples: Sequence[Tuple["Metric", ValueT]], ) -> None: """Atomically records a batch of `Metric` and value pairs. Allows the functionality of acting upon multiple metrics with a single API call. Implementations should find metric and handles that match the key-value pairs in the label tuples. Args: label_set: The `LabelSet` associated with all measurements in the batch. A measurement is a tuple, representing the `Metric` being recorded and the corresponding value to record. record_tuples: A sequence of pairs of `Metric` s and the corresponding value to record for that metric. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_metric( self, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], metric_type: Type[MetricT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Metric": """Creates a ``metric_kind`` metric with type ``value_type``. Args: name: The name of the metric. description: Human-readable description of the metric. unit: Unit of the metric values. value_type: The type of values being recorded by the metric. metric_type: The type of metric being created. label_keys: The keys for the labels with dynamic values. enabled: Whether to report the metric by default. Returns: A new ``metric_type`` metric with values of ``value_type``. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_label_set(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "LabelSet": """Gets a `LabelSet` with the given labels. Args: labels: A dictionary representing label key to label value pairs. Returns: A `LabelSet` object canonicalized using the given input. """
[docs]class DefaultMeter(Meter): """The default Meter used when no Meter implementation is available."""
[docs] def record_batch( self, label_set: LabelSet, record_tuples: Sequence[Tuple["Metric", ValueT]], ) -> None: pass
[docs] def create_metric( self, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], metric_type: Type[MetricT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Metric": # pylint: disable=no-self-use return DefaultMetric()
[docs] def get_label_set(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "LabelSet": # pylint: disable=no-self-use return DefaultLabelSet()
# Once is resolved, # the following type definition should be replaced with # from opentelemetry.util.loader import ImplementationFactory ImplementationFactory = Callable[[Type[Meter]], Optional[Meter]] _METER = None _METER_FACTORY = None
[docs]def meter() -> Meter: """Gets the current global :class:`~.Meter` object. If there isn't one set yet, a default will be loaded. """ global _METER, _METER_FACTORY # pylint:disable=global-statement if _METER is None: # pylint:disable=protected-access try: _METER = loader._load_impl(Meter, _METER_FACTORY) # type: ignore except TypeError: # if we raised an exception trying to instantiate an # abstract class, default to no-op tracer impl _METER = DefaultMeter() del _METER_FACTORY return _METER
[docs]def set_preferred_meter_implementation(factory: ImplementationFactory) -> None: """Set the factory to be used to create the meter. See :mod:`opentelemetry.util.loader` for details. This function may not be called after a meter is already loaded. Args: factory: Callback that should create a new :class:`Meter` instance. """ global _METER, _METER_FACTORY # pylint:disable=global-statement if _METER: raise RuntimeError("Meter already loaded.") _METER_FACTORY = factory