Source code for opentelemetry.ext.wsgi

# Copyright 2019, OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The opentelemetry-ext-wsgi package provides a WSGI middleware that can be used
on any WSGI framework (such as Django / Flask) to track requests timing through

import functools
import typing
import wsgiref.util as wsgiref_util

from opentelemetry import propagators, trace
from opentelemetry.ext.wsgi.version import __version__
from opentelemetry.trace.status import Status, StatusCanonicalCode


[docs]def get_header_from_environ( environ: dict, header_name: str ) -> typing.List[str]: """Retrieve a HTTP header value from the PEP3333-conforming WSGI environ. Returns: A list with a single string with the header value if it exists, else an empty list. """ environ_key = "HTTP_" + header_name.upper().replace("-", "_") value = environ.get(environ_key) if value is not None: return [value] return []
[docs]def setifnotnone(dic, key, value): if value is not None: dic[key] = value
[docs]def http_status_to_canonical_code(code: int, allow_redirect: bool = True): # pylint:disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements if code < 100: return StatusCanonicalCode.UNKNOWN if code <= 299: return StatusCanonicalCode.OK if code <= 399: if allow_redirect: return StatusCanonicalCode.OK return StatusCanonicalCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED if code <= 499: if code == 401: # HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: return StatusCanonicalCode.UNAUTHENTICATED if code == 403: # HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN: return StatusCanonicalCode.PERMISSION_DENIED if code == 404: # HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: return StatusCanonicalCode.NOT_FOUND if code == 429: # HTTPStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: return StatusCanonicalCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED return StatusCanonicalCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT if code <= 599: if code == 501: # HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return StatusCanonicalCode.UNIMPLEMENTED if code == 503: # HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return StatusCanonicalCode.UNAVAILABLE if code == 504: # HTTPStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return StatusCanonicalCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED return StatusCanonicalCode.INTERNAL return StatusCanonicalCode.UNKNOWN
[docs]def collect_request_attributes(environ): """Collects HTTP request attributes from the PEP3333-conforming WSGI environ and returns a dictionary to be used as span creation attributes.""" result = { "component": "http", "http.method": environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], "http.server_name": environ["SERVER_NAME"], "http.scheme": environ["wsgi.url_scheme"], "host.port": int(environ["SERVER_PORT"]), } setifnotnone(result, "", environ.get("HTTP_HOST")) target = environ.get("RAW_URI") if target is None: # Note: `"" or None is None` target = environ.get("REQUEST_URI") if target is not None: result[""] = target else: result["http.url"] = wsgiref_util.request_uri(environ) remote_addr = environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR") if remote_addr: result["net.peer.ip"] = remote_addr remote_host = environ.get("REMOTE_HOST") if remote_host and remote_host != remote_addr: result[""] = remote_host setifnotnone(result, "net.peer.port", environ.get("REMOTE_PORT")) flavor = environ.get("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "") if flavor.upper().startswith(_HTTP_VERSION_PREFIX): flavor = flavor[len(_HTTP_VERSION_PREFIX) :] if flavor: result["http.flavor"] = flavor return result
[docs]def add_response_attributes( span, start_response_status, response_headers ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Adds HTTP response attributes to span using the arguments passed to a PEP3333-conforming start_response callable.""" status_code, status_text = start_response_status.split(" ", 1) span.set_attribute("http.status_text", status_text) try: status_code = int(status_code) except ValueError: span.set_status( Status( StatusCanonicalCode.UNKNOWN, "Non-integer HTTP status: " + repr(status_code), ) ) else: span.set_attribute("http.status_code", status_code) span.set_status(Status(http_status_to_canonical_code(status_code)))
[docs]def get_default_span_name(environ): """Calculates a (generic) span name for an incoming HTTP request based on the PEP3333 conforming WSGI environ.""" # TODO: Update once # # is resolved return environ.get("PATH_INFO", "/")
[docs]class OpenTelemetryMiddleware: """The WSGI application middleware. This class is a PEP 3333 conforming WSGI middleware that starts and annotates spans for any requests it is invoked with. Args: wsgi: The WSGI application callable to forward requests to. """ def __init__(self, wsgi): self.wsgi = wsgi self.tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__, __version__) @staticmethod def _create_start_response(span, start_response): @functools.wraps(start_response) def _start_response(status, response_headers, *args, **kwargs): add_response_attributes(span, status, response_headers) return start_response(status, response_headers, *args, **kwargs) return _start_response def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """The WSGI application Args: environ: A WSGI environment. start_response: The WSGI start_response callable. """ parent_span = propagators.extract(get_header_from_environ, environ) span_name = get_default_span_name(environ) span = self.tracer.start_span( span_name, parent_span, kind=trace.SpanKind.SERVER, attributes=collect_request_attributes(environ), ) try: with self.tracer.use_span(span): start_response = self._create_start_response( span, start_response ) iterable = self.wsgi(environ, start_response) return _end_span_after_iterating(iterable, span, self.tracer) except: # noqa # TODO Set span status (cf. span.end() raise
# Put this in a subfunction to not delay the call to the wrapped # WSGI application (instrumentation should change the application # behavior as little as possible). def _end_span_after_iterating(iterable, span, tracer): try: with tracer.use_span(span): for yielded in iterable: yield yielded finally: close = getattr(iterable, "close", None) if close: close() span.end()