Source code for opentelemetry.ext.jaeger

# Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
# Copyright 2019, OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Jaeger Span Exporter for OpenTelemetry."""

import base64
import logging
import socket

from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, TCompactProtocol
from thrift.transport import THttpClient, TTransport

import opentelemetry.trace as trace_api
from opentelemetry.ext.jaeger.gen.agent import Agent as agent
from opentelemetry.ext.jaeger.gen.jaeger import Collector as jaeger
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import Span, SpanExporter, SpanExportResult
from opentelemetry.trace.status import StatusCanonicalCode

DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT = "/api/traces?format=jaeger.thrift"


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class JaegerSpanExporter(SpanExporter): """Jaeger span exporter for OpenTelemetry. Args: service_name: Service that logged an annotation in a trace.Classifier when query for spans. agent_host_name: The host name of the Jaeger-Agent. agent_port: The port of the Jaeger-Agent. collector_host_name: The host name of the Jaeger-Collector HTTP Thrift. collector_port: The port of the Jaeger-Collector HTTP Thrift. collector_endpoint: The endpoint of the Jaeger-Collector HTTP Thrift. username: The user name of the Basic Auth if authentication is required. password: The password of the Basic Auth if authentication is required. """ def __init__( self, service_name, agent_host_name=DEFAULT_AGENT_HOST_NAME, agent_port=DEFAULT_AGENT_PORT, collector_host_name=None, collector_port=None, collector_endpoint=DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT, username=None, password=None, ): self.service_name = service_name self.agent_host_name = agent_host_name self.agent_port = agent_port self._agent_client = None self.collector_host_name = collector_host_name self.collector_port = collector_port self.collector_endpoint = collector_endpoint self.username = username self.password = password self._collector = None @property def agent_client(self): if self._agent_client is None: self._agent_client = AgentClientUDP( host_name=self.agent_host_name, port=self.agent_port ) return self._agent_client @property def collector(self): if self._collector is not None: return self._collector if self.collector_host_name is None or self.collector_port is None: return None thrift_url = "http://{}:{}{}".format( self.collector_host_name, self.collector_port, self.collector_endpoint, ) auth = None if self.username is not None and self.password is not None: auth = (self.username, self.password) self._collector = Collector(thrift_url=thrift_url, auth=auth) return self._collector
[docs] def export(self, spans): jaeger_spans = _translate_to_jaeger(spans) batch = jaeger.Batch( spans=jaeger_spans, process=jaeger.Process(serviceName=self.service_name), ) if self.collector is not None: self.collector.submit(batch) self.agent_client.emit(batch) return SpanExportResult.SUCCESS
[docs] def shutdown(self): pass
def _nsec_to_usec_round(nsec): """Round nanoseconds to microseconds""" return (nsec + 500) // 10 ** 3 def _translate_to_jaeger(spans: Span): """Translate the spans to Jaeger format. Args: spans: Tuple of spans to convert """ jaeger_spans = [] for span in spans: ctx = span.get_context() trace_id = ctx.trace_id span_id = ctx.span_id start_time_us = _nsec_to_usec_round(span.start_time) duration_us = _nsec_to_usec_round(span.end_time - span.start_time) status = span.status parent_id = 0 if isinstance(span.parent, trace_api.Span): parent_id = span.parent.get_context().span_id elif isinstance(span.parent, trace_api.SpanContext): parent_id = span.parent.span_id tags = _extract_tags(span.attributes) tags.extend( [ _get_long_tag("status.code", status.canonical_code.value), _get_string_tag("status.message", status.description), _get_string_tag("span.kind",, ] ) # Ensure that if Status.Code is not OK, that we set the "error" tag on the Jaeger span. if status.canonical_code is not StatusCanonicalCode.OK: tags.append(_get_bool_tag("error", True)) refs = _extract_refs_from_span(span) logs = _extract_logs_from_span(span) flags = int(ctx.trace_options) jaeger_span = jaeger.Span( traceIdHigh=_get_trace_id_high(trace_id), traceIdLow=_get_trace_id_low(trace_id), # generated code expects i64 spanId=_convert_int_to_i64(span_id),, startTime=start_time_us, duration=duration_us, tags=tags, logs=logs, references=refs, flags=flags, parentSpanId=_convert_int_to_i64(parent_id), ) jaeger_spans.append(jaeger_span) return jaeger_spans def _extract_refs_from_span(span): if not span.links: return None refs = [] for link in span.links: trace_id = link.context.trace_id span_id = link.context.span_id refs.append( jaeger.SpanRef( refType=jaeger.SpanRefType.FOLLOWS_FROM, traceIdHigh=_get_trace_id_high(trace_id), traceIdLow=_get_trace_id_low(trace_id), spanId=_convert_int_to_i64(span_id), ) ) return refs def _convert_int_to_i64(val): """Convert integer to signed int64 (i64)""" if val > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF: val -= 0x10000000000000000 return val def _get_trace_id_low(trace_id): return _convert_int_to_i64(trace_id & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) def _get_trace_id_high(trace_id): return _convert_int_to_i64((trace_id >> 64) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) def _extract_logs_from_span(span): if not return None logs = [] for event in fields = _extract_tags(event.attributes) fields.append( jaeger.Tag( key="message", vType=jaeger.TagType.STRING, ) ) event_timestamp_us = _nsec_to_usec_round(event.timestamp) logs.append( jaeger.Log(timestamp=int(event_timestamp_us), fields=fields) ) return logs def _extract_tags(attr): if not attr: return [] tags = [] for attribute_key, attribute_value in attr.items(): tag = _convert_attribute_to_tag(attribute_key, attribute_value) if tag is None: continue tags.append(tag) return tags def _convert_attribute_to_tag(key, attr): """Convert the attributes to jaeger tags.""" if isinstance(attr, bool): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vBool=attr, vType=jaeger.TagType.BOOL) if isinstance(attr, str): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vStr=attr, vType=jaeger.TagType.STRING) if isinstance(attr, int): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vLong=attr, vType=jaeger.TagType.LONG) if isinstance(attr, float): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vDouble=attr, vType=jaeger.TagType.DOUBLE) logger.warning("Could not serialize attribute %s:%r to tag", key, attr) return None def _get_long_tag(key, val): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vLong=val, vType=jaeger.TagType.LONG) def _get_string_tag(key, val): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vStr=val, vType=jaeger.TagType.STRING) def _get_bool_tag(key, val): return jaeger.Tag(key=key, vBool=val, vType=jaeger.TagType.BOOL)
[docs]class AgentClientUDP: """Implement a UDP client to agent. Args: host_name: The host name of the Jaeger server. port: The port of the Jaeger server. max_packet_size: Maximum size of UDP packet. client: Class for creating new client objects for agencies. """ def __init__( self, host_name, port, max_packet_size=UDP_PACKET_MAX_LENGTH, client=agent.Client, ): self.address = (host_name, port) self.max_packet_size = max_packet_size self.buffer = TTransport.TMemoryBuffer() self.client = client( iprot=TCompactProtocol.TCompactProtocol(trans=self.buffer) )
[docs] def emit(self, batch: jaeger.Batch): """ Args: batch: Object to emit Jaeger spans. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access self.client._seqid = 0 # truncate and reset the position of BytesIO object self.buffer._buffer.truncate(0) self.client.emitBatch(batch) buff = self.buffer.getvalue() if len(buff) > self.max_packet_size: logger.warning( "Data exceeds the max UDP packet size; size %r, max %r", len(buff), self.max_packet_size, ) return with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as udp_socket: udp_socket.sendto(buff, self.address)
[docs]class Collector: """Submits collected spans to Thrift HTTP server. Args: thrift_url: URL of the Jaeger HTTP Thrift. auth: Auth tuple that contains username and password for Basic Auth. client: Class for creating a Jaeger collector client. http_transport: Class for creating new client for Thrift HTTP server. """ def __init__( self, thrift_url="", auth=None, client=jaeger.Client, http_transport=THttpClient.THttpClient, ): self.thrift_url = thrift_url self.auth = auth self.http_transport = http_transport(uri_or_host=thrift_url) self.client = client( iprot=TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(trans=self.http_transport) ) # set basic auth header if auth is not None: auth_header = "{}:{}".format(*auth) decoded = base64.b64encode(auth_header.encode()).decode("ascii") basic_auth = dict(Authorization="Basic {}".format(decoded)) self.http_transport.setCustomHeaders(basic_auth)
[docs] def submit(self, batch: jaeger.Batch): """Submits batches to Thrift HTTP Server through Binary Protocol. Args: batch: Object to emit Jaeger spans. """ try: self.client.submitBatches([batch]) # it will call http_transport.flush() and # status code and message will be updated code = self.http_transport.code msg = self.http_transport.message if code >= 300 or code < 200: logger.error( "Traces cannot be uploaded; HTTP status code: %s, message %s", code, msg, ) finally: if self.http_transport.isOpen(): self.http_transport.close()