Source code for opentelemetry.context

# Copyright 2019, OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import typing
from os import environ
from sys import version_info

from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

from opentelemetry.context.context import Context, RuntimeContext

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_RUNTIME_CONTEXT = None  # type: typing.Optional[RuntimeContext]

[docs]def get_value(key: str, context: typing.Optional[Context] = None) -> "object": """To access the local state of a concern, the RuntimeContext API provides a function which takes a context and a key as input, and returns a value. Args: key: The key of the value to retrieve. context: The context from which to retrieve the value, if None, the current context is used. """ return context.get(key) if context is not None else get_current().get(key)
[docs]def set_value( key: str, value: "object", context: typing.Optional[Context] = None ) -> Context: """To record the local state of a cross-cutting concern, the RuntimeContext API provides a function which takes a context, a key, and a value as input, and returns an updated context which contains the new value. Args: key: The key of the entry to set value: The value of the entry to set context: The context to copy, if None, the current context is used """ if context is None: context = get_current() new_values = context.copy() new_values[key] = value return Context(new_values)
[docs]def remove_value( key: str, context: typing.Optional[Context] = None ) -> Context: """To remove a value, this method returns a new context with the key cleared. Note that the removed value still remains present in the old context. Args: key: The key of the entry to remove context: The context to copy, if None, the current context is used """ if context is None: context = get_current() new_values = context.copy() new_values.pop(key, None) return Context(new_values)
[docs]def get_current() -> Context: """To access the context associated with program execution, the RuntimeContext API provides a function which takes no arguments and returns a RuntimeContext. """ global _RUNTIME_CONTEXT # pylint: disable=global-statement if _RUNTIME_CONTEXT is None: # FIXME use a better implementation of a configuration manager to avoid having # to get configuration values straight from environment variables if version_info < (3, 5): # contextvars are not supported in 3.4, use thread-local storage default_context = "threadlocal_context" else: default_context = "contextvars_context" configured_context = environ.get( "OPENTELEMETRY_CONTEXT", default_context ) # type: str try: _RUNTIME_CONTEXT = next( iter_entry_points("opentelemetry_context", configured_context) ).load()() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.error("Failed to load context: %s", configured_context) return _RUNTIME_CONTEXT.get_current() # type:ignore
[docs]def set_current(context: Context) -> Context: """To associate a context with program execution, the Context API provides a function which takes a Context. Args: context: The context to use as current. """ old_context = get_current() _RUNTIME_CONTEXT.set_current(context) # type:ignore return old_context
[docs]def with_current_context( func: typing.Callable[..., "object"] ) -> typing.Callable[..., "object"]: """Capture the current context and apply it to the provided func.""" caller_context = get_current() def call_with_current_context( *args: "object", **kwargs: "object" ) -> "object": try: backup = get_current() set_current(caller_context) return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: set_current(backup) return call_with_current_context