Source code for opentelemetry.metrics

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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The OpenTelemetry metrics API describes the classes used to report raw
measurements, as well as metrics with known aggregation and labels.

The `Meter` class is used to construct `Metric` s to record raw statistics
as well as metrics with predefined aggregation.

See the `metrics api`_ spec for terminology and context clarification.

.. _metrics api:

.. versionadded:: 0.1.0
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0
    ``meter_provider`` was replaced by `get_meter_provider`,
    ``set_preferred_meter_provider_implementation`` was replaced by
import abc
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Callable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from opentelemetry.util import _load_provider

logger = getLogger(__name__)
ValueT = TypeVar("ValueT", int, float)

[docs]class DefaultBoundInstrument: """The default bound metric instrument. Used when no bound instrument implementation is available. """
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """No-op implementation of `BoundCounter` add. Args: value: The value to add to the bound metric instrument. """
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """No-op implementation of `BoundMeasure` record. Args: value: The value to record to the bound metric instrument. """
[docs] def release(self) -> None: """No-op implementation of release."""
[docs]class BoundCounter:
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """Increases the value of the bound counter by ``value``. Args: value: The value to add to the bound counter. """
[docs]class BoundMeasure:
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT) -> None: """Records the given ``value`` to this bound measure. Args: value: The value to record to the bound measure. """
[docs]class Metric(abc.ABC): """Base class for various types of metrics. Metric class that inherit from this class are specialized with the type of bound metric instrument that the metric holds. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def bind(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "object": """Gets a bound metric instrument. Bound metric instruments are useful to reduce the cost of repeatedly recording a metric with a pre-defined set of label values. All metric kinds (counter, measure) support declaring a set of required label keys. The values corresponding to these keys should be specified in every bound metric instrument. "Unspecified" label values, in cases where a bound metric instrument is requested but a value was not provided are permitted. Args: labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """
[docs]class DefaultMetric(Metric): """The default Metric used when no Metric implementation is available."""
[docs] def bind(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "DefaultBoundInstrument": """Gets a `DefaultBoundInstrument`. Args: labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """ return DefaultBoundInstrument()
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """No-op implementation of `Counter` add. Args: value: The value to add to the counter metric. labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """No-op implementation of `Measure` record. Args: value: The value to record to this measure metric. labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """
[docs]class Counter(Metric): """A counter type metric that expresses the computation of a sum."""
[docs] def bind(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "BoundCounter": """Gets a `BoundCounter`.""" return BoundCounter()
[docs] def add(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Increases the value of the counter by ``value``. Args: value: The value to add to the counter metric. labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """
[docs]class Measure(Metric): """A measure type metric that represent raw stats that are recorded. Measure metrics represent raw statistics that are recorded. """
[docs] def bind(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> "BoundMeasure": """Gets a `BoundMeasure`.""" return BoundMeasure()
[docs] def record(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Records the ``value`` to the measure. Args: value: The value to record to this measure metric. labels: Labels to associate with the bound instrument. """
[docs]class Observer(abc.ABC): """An observer type metric instrument used to capture a current set of values. Observer instruments are asynchronous, a callback is invoked with the observer instrument as argument allowing the user to capture multiple values per collection interval. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def observe(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Captures ``value`` to the observer. Args: value: The value to capture to this observer metric. labels: Labels associated to ``value``. """
[docs]class DefaultObserver(Observer): """No-op implementation of ``Observer``."""
[docs] def observe(self, value: ValueT, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Captures ``value`` to the observer. Args: value: The value to capture to this observer metric. labels: Labels associated to ``value``. """
[docs]class MeterProvider(abc.ABC):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_meter( self, instrumenting_module_name: str, stateful: bool = True, instrumenting_library_version: str = "", ) -> "Meter": """Returns a `Meter` for use by the given instrumentation library. This function may return different `Meter` types (e.g. a no-op meter vs. a functional meter). Args: instrumenting_module_name: The name of the instrumenting module (usually just ``__name__``). This should *not* be the name of the module that is instrumented but the name of the module doing the instrumentation. E.g., instead of ``"requests"``, use ``"opentelemetry.ext.http_requests"``. stateful: True/False to indicate whether the meter will be stateful. True indicates the meter computes checkpoints from over the process lifetime. False indicates the meter computes checkpoints which describe the updates of a single collection period (deltas). instrumenting_library_version: Optional. The version string of the instrumenting library. Usually this should be the same as ``pkg_resources.get_distribution(instrumenting_library_name).version``. """
[docs]class DefaultMeterProvider(MeterProvider): """The default MeterProvider, used when no implementation is available. All operations are no-op. """
[docs] def get_meter( self, instrumenting_module_name: str, stateful: bool = True, instrumenting_library_version: str = "", ) -> "Meter": # pylint:disable=no-self-use,unused-argument return DefaultMeter()
MetricT = TypeVar("MetricT", Counter, Measure, Observer) ObserverCallbackT = Callable[[Observer], None] # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs]class Meter(abc.ABC): """An interface to allow the recording of metrics. `Metric` s are used for recording pre-defined aggregation (counter), or raw values (measure) in which the aggregation and labels for the exported metric are deferred. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def record_batch( self, labels: Dict[str, str], record_tuples: Sequence[Tuple["Metric", ValueT]], ) -> None: """Atomically records a batch of `Metric` and value pairs. Allows the functionality of acting upon multiple metrics with a single API call. Implementations should find bound metric instruments that match the key-value pairs in the labels. Args: labels: Labels associated with all measurements in the batch. record_tuples: A sequence of pairs of `Metric` s and the corresponding value to record for that metric. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_metric( self, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], metric_type: Type[MetricT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Metric": """Creates a ``metric_kind`` metric with type ``value_type``. Args: name: The name of the metric. description: Human-readable description of the metric. unit: Unit of the metric values following the UCUM convention ( value_type: The type of values being recorded by the metric. metric_type: The type of metric being created. label_keys: The keys for the labels with dynamic values. enabled: Whether to report the metric by default. Returns: A new ``metric_type`` metric with values of ``value_type``. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_observer( self, callback: ObserverCallbackT, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Observer": """Registers an ``Observer`` metric instrument. Args: callback: Callback invoked each collection interval with the observer as argument. name: The name of the metric. description: Human-readable description of the metric. unit: Unit of the metric values following the UCUM convention ( value_type: The type of values being recorded by the metric. label_keys: The keys for the labels with dynamic values. enabled: Whether to report the metric by default. Returns: A new ``Observer`` metric instrument. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def unregister_observer(self, observer: "Observer") -> None: """Unregisters an ``Observer`` metric instrument. Args: observer: The observer to unregister. """
[docs]class DefaultMeter(Meter): """The default Meter used when no Meter implementation is available."""
[docs] def record_batch( self, labels: Dict[str, str], record_tuples: Sequence[Tuple["Metric", ValueT]], ) -> None: pass
[docs] def create_metric( self, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], metric_type: Type[MetricT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Metric": # pylint: disable=no-self-use return DefaultMetric()
[docs] def register_observer( self, callback: ObserverCallbackT, name: str, description: str, unit: str, value_type: Type[ValueT], label_keys: Sequence[str] = (), enabled: bool = True, ) -> "Observer": return DefaultObserver()
[docs] def unregister_observer(self, observer: "Observer") -> None: pass
[docs]def get_meter( instrumenting_module_name: str, stateful: bool = True, instrumenting_library_version: str = "", ) -> "Meter": """Returns a `Meter` for use by the given instrumentation library. This function is a convenience wrapper for opentelemetry.metrics.get_meter_provider().get_meter """ return get_meter_provider().get_meter( instrumenting_module_name, stateful, instrumenting_library_version )
[docs]def set_meter_provider(meter_provider: MeterProvider) -> None: """Sets the current global :class:`~.MeterProvider` object.""" global _METER_PROVIDER # pylint: disable=global-statement _METER_PROVIDER = meter_provider
[docs]def get_meter_provider() -> MeterProvider: """Gets the current global :class:`~.MeterProvider` object.""" global _METER_PROVIDER # pylint: disable=global-statement if _METER_PROVIDER is None: _METER_PROVIDER = _load_provider("meter_provider") return _METER_PROVIDER