Source code for opentelemetry.ext.pymongo

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

The integration with MongoDB supports the `pymongo`_ library, it can be
enabled using the ``PymongoInstrumentor``.

.. _pymongo:


.. code:: python

    from pymongo import MongoClient
    from opentelemetry import trace
    from opentelemetry.trace import TracerProvider
    from opentelemetry.trace.ext.pymongo import PymongoInstrumentor


    client = MongoClient()
    db = client["MongoDB_Database"]
    collection = db["MongoDB_Collection"]


from pymongo import monitoring

from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.auto_instrumentation.instrumentor import BaseInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.ext.pymongo.version import __version__
from opentelemetry.trace import SpanKind, get_tracer
from opentelemetry.trace.status import Status, StatusCanonicalCode

DATABASE_TYPE = "mongodb"
COMMAND_ATTRIBUTES = ["filter", "sort", "skip", "limit", "pipeline"]

[docs]class CommandTracer(monitoring.CommandListener): def __init__(self, tracer): self._tracer = tracer self._span_dict = {} self.is_enabled = True
[docs] def started(self, event: monitoring.CommandStartedEvent): """ Method to handle a pymongo CommandStartedEvent """ if not self.is_enabled: return command = event.command.get(event.command_name, "") name = DATABASE_TYPE + "." + event.command_name statement = event.command_name if command: name += "." + command statement += " " + command try: span = self._tracer.start_span(name, kind=SpanKind.CLIENT) span.set_attribute("component", DATABASE_TYPE) span.set_attribute("db.type", DATABASE_TYPE) span.set_attribute("db.instance", event.database_name) span.set_attribute("db.statement", statement) if event.connection_id is not None: span.set_attribute("", event.connection_id[0]) span.set_attribute("net.peer.port", event.connection_id[1]) # pymongo specific, not specified by spec span.set_attribute("db.mongo.operation_id", event.operation_id) span.set_attribute("db.mongo.request_id", event.request_id) for attr in COMMAND_ATTRIBUTES: _attr = event.command.get(attr) if _attr is not None: span.set_attribute("db.mongo." + attr, str(_attr)) # Add Span to dictionary self._span_dict[_get_span_dict_key(event)] = span except Exception as ex: # noqa pylint: disable=broad-except if span is not None: span.set_status(Status(StatusCanonicalCode.INTERNAL, str(ex))) span.end() self._pop_span(event)
[docs] def succeeded(self, event: monitoring.CommandSucceededEvent): """ Method to handle a pymongo CommandSucceededEvent """ if not self.is_enabled: return span = self._pop_span(event) if span is None: return span.set_attribute("db.mongo.duration_micros", event.duration_micros) span.set_status(Status(StatusCanonicalCode.OK, event.reply)) span.end()
[docs] def failed(self, event: monitoring.CommandFailedEvent): """ Method to handle a pymongo CommandFailedEvent """ if not self.is_enabled: return span = self._pop_span(event) if span is None: return span.set_attribute("db.mongo.duration_micros", event.duration_micros) span.set_status(Status(StatusCanonicalCode.UNKNOWN, event.failure)) span.end()
def _pop_span(self, event): return self._span_dict.pop(_get_span_dict_key(event), None)
def _get_span_dict_key(event): if event.connection_id is not None: return (event.request_id, event.connection_id) return event.request_id
[docs]class PymongoInstrumentor(BaseInstrumentor): _commandtracer_instance = None # type CommandTracer # The instrumentation for PyMongo is based on the event listener interface # # This interface only allows to register listeners and does not provide # an unregister API. In order to provide a mechanishm to disable # instrumentation an enabled flag is implemented in CommandTracer, # it's checked in the different listeners. def _instrument(self, **kwargs): """Integrate with pymongo to trace it using event listener. Args: tracer_provider: The `TracerProvider` to use. If none is passed the current configured one is used. """ tracer_provider = kwargs.get("tracer_provider") # Create and register a CommandTracer only the first time if self._commandtracer_instance is None: tracer = get_tracer(__name__, __version__, tracer_provider) self._commandtracer_instance = CommandTracer(tracer) monitoring.register(self._commandtracer_instance) # If already created, just enable it self._commandtracer_instance.is_enabled = True def _uninstrument(self, **kwargs): if self._commandtracer_instance is not None: self._commandtracer_instance.is_enabled = False